The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 514 - HOPE WAS UPSET

Chapter 514 - HOPE WAS UPSET

"Stop sighing like that, I could hear that even from hundreds meter away," Rossie chuckled as she walked next to Hope with a tray full of food in her hands.

"The festival will be held in three days and they still haven\'t returned. Something must have happened to them." Hope came up with this conclusion since two days ago when she realized there was no sign of Kace or Lana from coming back.

They had lunch break and were in canteen when they talked about Hope\'s concern regarding Kace and Lana whereabouts.

"Maybe they are just late," Rossie nudged Hope\'s arm when they was about to walk toward their usual seat. "He dated someone right after you dumped him."

Rossie pointed at Oliver with her sharp chin, giggling.

"I was so stupid," Hope just realized now how immature she was for dating Oliver just because Kace disappeared for years without any news.

Not because the silly reason she had to wait for him, but because Oliver was totally a jerk. At first he seemed like a good guy, yet after what had happened, it was Hope to be blamed for choosing him.

He started to spread some nasty rumor about Hope was being in relationship with the new teacher.

Well, that was true in some way, yet when no one knew about this and he just ran his mouth as he wished, Hope could feel the mixture of disdain and resentment for him, especially when he added the story here and there… like a typical jackass.

And now he showed off his new relationship with Norah, one of busybody girl who helped to fan the rumor.

Thankfully, with Hope\'s track record the aftereffect not really bad for her. Those people were still worried to rub her in the wrong way. They wouldn\'t want to end like the other students, who tried to provoke her.

However, it didn\'t mean they don\'t talk behind her back.

"You were stupid," Rossie agreed with Hope as they walked past Oliver and his friend\'s table.

Hope was restless to know nothing about Kace and Lana. It almost felt like those three years when he left her, but this time, this feeling was amplified.

Hope was very tensed up lately.

Unfortunately, when Hope felt like she needed a platform to vent out her frustration, someone offered it.

Norah was, actually, trying to get her attention by talking out loud, enough for Hope and Rossie to hear that when they walked past their table.

"I know you will not serious with a weird girl like her," Norah leaned her body to Oliver beside her as her eyes fixed on Hope. "She is very nasty, right? Having an affair with a teacher? Someone way older than her."

Hope sneered, this girl would have a heart attack when he knew how old Kace was. But, Norah didn\'t stop playing with fire.

All the people there knew better to not provoke Hope, as they wouldn\'t win any argument with her or they could lay a hand on her, it had been proven, but Norah seemingly turned blind eyes for that fact.

"Not only she has weird personality, she has a strange family as well. I wonder where is her father? I think her father was not able to stand both mother and daughter…" Norah continued in mocking tone.

If this was some other day, Hope wouldn\'t mind her statement about her family at all, as she didn\'t care much about this concept of family, moreover, Serefina was not her mother just like how the people here thought she was.

It was ridiculous and was a waste of time to get angry over something like that, because Hope wouldn\'t be able to explain how \'special\' her family was.

However, Hope turned around and approached the busybody girl, not because she was upset, but it was more likely because she needed something or someone to vent out her irritation of her situation right now.

"What did you say?" Hope put her tray on the table, right in front of Norah. "I have a weird family?" she crossed her arms and smirked.

Norah didn\'t see it coming, she was startled, but composed herself quickly. "Yes,?? she said it out loud. "That\'s why Oliver broke up with you!" Norah stood up and mimicked Hope\'s gesture, she raised her chin defiantly.

Unexpectedly, Hope was laughing when she heard that. "You told her that\'s the reason why we broke up? Because of my weird family?"

Norah was baffled to face someone like this and Oliver\'s jaw hardened as he gritted his teeth. It was embarrassing enough to meet with Hope after the last time, but since Hope didn\'t pay attention to the rumor about them, he became slightly arrogant.

"Of course…" Norah was about to talk something nasty when Hope beat her into it.

"Is the \'thing\' between your legs is all right now? Because I can make it worse if you keep trying to challenge my patient, stop it while I am still nice." Hope grabbed a chicken thigh from her tray and bit it slowly.

"Hope!" Oliver fumed. "Don\'t talking nonsense! You are only angry because we broke up!" his face turned red and this amused Hope as she kept chewing on her chicken thigh.

At this moment, they had become a center of attention there. No one could eat their meal and was enjoying the scene before their eyes. It had been a long time since Hope was having a fight like this.

Even Rossie didn\'t stop her, she knew that Hope needed this. Actually, to see Hope work up with her frustration this way was better than have to hear her whining all the time.

"And for you," ignoring Oliver, Hope fixed her attention on Norah. "You like my secondhand that much? Why don\'t you take this? Maybe you like it."

"What…" just like before, Norah didn\'t have a chance to talk.

Without warning Hope had shoved the remaining chicken leg in her hand to Norah\'s mouth.

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