The Love of a Lycan



"How is it?" Lana asked in curiosity. The small frown between Raine\'s eyebrows didn\'t escape her eyes, thus she was slightly worried. "What do you see?"

The image of the boy and Calleb didn\'t last for long time before it faded away and Lana\'s expression came to her vision.

Raine took a second longer to smile back at Lana, giving the expectant mother a reassuring look. "He is a healthy child," she said.

Only after hearing that, did Lana let out a small sigh in relief and caressed her stomach indulgently.

"See? I told you, you just think too much," Hope said, as she hugged Lana. "The baby is going to be a great child! I hope I would be able to return before you deliver the baby."

Raine heard Hope and Lana chatting happily, but her mind was elsewhere. She didn\'t say anything about Calleb in her vision earlier.

The image of Calleb and Lana\'s child was very short and there was nothing that was affirmative from that.

Raine only managed to tap into her power just recently, thus she was still learning how to get a proper hold of it. Probably, if the glimpse lasted longer, she would be able to see why the boy called Calleb as his father, instead of Raphael, who was nowhere to be seen in the vision.

Everything was possible, since Raphael and Calleb were very close. It could be a prank or something else.

Raine didn\'t want to read too much into something that she was not sure about and just brushed it off as a false alarm.

Yet, she couldn\'t lie that it was bothering her and added another concern to her mind.

"Take care all of you," Lana said, pulling Raine closer for a hug.

"You too, please take care," Raine said, returning the hug a little bit longer until Torak called her that they should leave now.


Most of the spell-casters faced death during the fight which lasted until the sun was completely down, leaving everything in pitch black darkness.

In the end, those spell-casters were forced to go back to the city and close their gates to prevent the lycan warriors and the faes from barging in.

They casted another collective spell to prevent the fairies from flying over the high wall.

Thus, when the dark day turned into night again, Lilac walked over to the city with Sybil and Theo beside her.

From afar, Lilac could see the white beast which was covered in blood and dirt, snarling viciously at the closed gates.

However, once his eyes met hers, the beast walked over, and as he closed the distance between them, he had turned into his human skin again.

Jedrek took her hand and nodded at Theo to relieve him from his duty, as for Sybil, the witch, he gave her another task.

"Figure out a way to go inside," Jedrek said in his trademark rigid tone, as he took Lilac to the tent that was built for them, since they had to figure out how to penetrate those spells first, to walk past those walls.

Once they were inside, Lilac immediately voiced out her thoughts.

"I think I can break down the wall and for the spell, why don\'t you… Jedrek?" Lilac stopped short her speech as she saw Jedrek collapsing onto the bed, groaning softly. "What happened?"

Lilac quickly approached him, but Jedrek pulled her closer and hugged her tightly instead. He held her head against his chest and felt her steady breath.

"What happened to you?" Lilac struggled to raise her head, so she could see his face clearly.

Under the faint light in this tent, the guardian angel noticed how pale her mate was and how labored his breathing became.

"I just need to rest for awhile," Jedrek said softly.

If it was not Lilac in front of him, Jedrek wouldn\'t have shown this weak side of him. It was a weakness and experiences taught him harshly not to show any weaknesses to other people, thus it was all he had been doing all this time before he met her.

"Why? What happened?" Lilac asked worriedly, but Jedrek caressed her back to calm her down.

"This is just the side affect," he said softly.

His hard and cold demeanor, and his emotionless expression had vanished the moment it was only the two of them.

"Side effect?" Lilac touched his face and felt his cold skin under her fingers. The king looked vulnerable at this moment.

"Hm," Jedrek hummed, as he closed his eyes.

Using firebird to take down and burn the barrier of protection that those witches had created had exhausted him completely, not to mention he had to go on the battlefield, and as for the bird, it had to breath out fire continuously to make way for them.

And being hit countless times with the curses, which came in his way.

It was indeed didn\'t affect him any badly it should have, but still, he was not totally immune to those vicious curses.

"You don\'t need to worry, I just need to rest for a bit," Jedrek said with his eyes still closed, and then he rolled the two of them onto the bed until Lilac laid on her side, while Jedrek hugged her from behind, burying his nose in Lilac\'s nape to smell her intoxicating scent, which could help his beast to calm down more and stop bothering him for vengeance on those spell-casters.

If Lilac was not here, Jedrek would be out there, figuring out the fastest way to tear that wall down and take back his territory, ignoring his condition.

But, he couldn\'t do so, thus here he was now, recuperating with his mate beside him. It was the best feeling that Jedrek had ever felt.

It didn\'t take a long time before Jedrek started to fall asleep.

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It had been a week since the Donovans left the city and it was the toughest week of his life. The training became even harsher than before when Jedrek\'s people from the other region came to train together.

However, Calleb\'s heavy heart felt a little bit lighter when he saw his mate waiting for him on his way to his chamber. They had not seen each other for three days and needless to say, Calleb missed her terribly.


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