Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 690

Victor should have known better than to think that Mimi would stay out of this case. Arianna was her best friend and Mimi was driven. Whether Mimi had in mind, she would remain restless until she fulfilled it. And her strong attitude was what Victor had fallen for.

However, as his lover and expectant mother, Mimi had to mellow out and Victor became inured to her loving side, that he forgot how persistent she used to be. And now, she did the one thing he asked her not to do, finding Arianna.

Honestly, it wasn’t hard to find the place. All she had to do was to do a little research and type down the Draven family and boom, she found out where they lived. Like every other crime family, they were quite known and had other legitimate fronts to cover up their illegal business. Unless one started to dig deep – and doesn’t get killed – they would never know.

Her only problem was knowing if Arianna was being kept here or not. She was not ignorant to think that this was the only property they had, but this was the one Mimi could find in this city and she got her ass Arianna hadn’t left the city yet. If her dear mommy wanted to improve their relationship, she would not take her away from a place she knew most of her life. Mimi hoped so.

And that was not the only problem, honestly, they were numerous. For starters, she could not climb over the large walls, not unless she was Spiderwoman. But then, Mimi bet even Spiderwoman was not impervious to electricity because the barbed wire on top of the fence was humming with current.

Mimi thought Daniel’s place was the only fortress she had seen until this one. If Arianna was indeed here, it was no wonder that she hadn’t been able to communicate with her. She can’t get out of here, not without help.

Even if somewhere, Mimi does get into the house, how was going to find Arianna? What if Arianna was not even here? What if they capture and kill her, having mistaken her for a spy or assassin? Mimi knew how sensitive these people were to their security.

No, it was now or never! Mimi was not a coward and she would see to her mission whether dead or alive. But then, she can’t die, she loved Victor and she was having his baby.



Mimi pushed the negative thoughts to the back of her head. She would go through this and come out victorious, Mimi had faith. Victor would roast her when he finds out about this. At least, he was not crazy enough to lock her up like Marcel or so she thought.

Hence, Mimi started up a plan on how she was going to break into the house and none of it was effective. She could never go through that gate with those two guards standing there, not unless they opened it for her as she flashes them a seductive smile – which only works in movies.

She had no other ideas!

This mission was impossible!

All Mimi needed was an opportunity and she didn’t see any of them coming for over an hour hiding behind the walls and making sure the camera didn’t capture her sneaking around like a thief. Nonetheless, Mimi never gave up and waited under the striking sun until luck shined on her.

It came in the form of a big truck and Mimi found out that one of the guards was not around. Where did he go? Mimi had no idea, nor did she want him to return anytime soon, not until she fulfilled her plan. Anyway, only the other guard was left and he was deep in conversation with the driver of the truck.

This was it!

Mimi found out that this was the big break that she had been asking for. It was now or never. Mimi didn’t care if the camera would capture her or the possibility of the guard noticing her. She left her hiding place and made a run for the truck at lightning speed. And as soon as she got behind the truck, Mimi climbed beneath it immediately.

“What is it?” The driver of the truck asked when the guard at the gate lifted his gun and aimed at nothing.

“I thought I saw something,” He said, stepping out of the gate and beginning to search around the car for whatever he thought he had seen. Mimi had been a blur with her speed.

“Don’t look under the car,” Mimi prayed inwardly with her eyes closed. And why was the car so hot, she couldn’t let go now. Mimi was clinging to the underside of the vehicle.

“Hey, I can’t wait all day!” said the driver and she was a woman. No wonder the fool was distracted, Mimi thought. And at the same time, she knew it was the heavens looking out for her today. Thank you so much, Jesus!

“Fine,” The guard didn’t search beneath as Mimi had prayed and hit the body of the car which startled her slightly.

He said with a loud voice, “You are good to go!”

Thank God, Mimi let out the breath that she had been holding in.

However, Mimi’s joy did not last for long because when the engine started, her heart began to pound once again. She had heard that there are a lot of moving parts underneath a vehicle that can chew up a human body real good, and hoped that wasn’t what she was holding on to.

Well, it wasn’t one of them. However, the part she held onto was quite hot and it was a good thing that the vehicle didn’t move for long before it stopped and Mimi was able to get off before she was scalded badly.

Mission possible.

She was in.

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