Demon Lord's Reincarnation

Chapter 431 - Fighting A Hero Again

Chapter 431 - Fighting A Hero Again

Ren couldn\'t control his emotions as the excitement he was feeling was on another level. This guy\'s presence suddenly burst with power. He had now had an equal presence to a young dragon.

"Show me oh hero, how you will wield this power!" Ren shouted when suddenly Kim Chul appeared before him. Kim Chul then used the skill [quick draw]. Depending on how high his agility was, this skill would deal more damage.

As his agility was currently at an all-time high this should deal explosive damage. This was one of his fastest attacks. Kim Chul\'s movements were so fast that he had left an afterimage. To the knights who were unable to keep up with his movements, all they saw was Kim Chul standing in a stance without moving.

On the other hand, Valdel and Lara who don\'t follow one\'s movements using their eyes but through mana sensing could somehow follow Kim Chul\'s movement. They knew that he had moved but to their surprise, they were also fooled by the after image.

Kim Chul who moved at his fastest speed, and used one of his faster attacks noticed that Ren who was smiling was looking at him. As Kim Chul\'s sword was about to hit Ren something blocked it. Ren had raised Snertal to block the attack. When the two swords clashed a shockwave blasted through the area.

Ren\'s feet dug into the ground, and the windows of the nearby buildings cracked. Lara reacted fast enough and was able to protect John and the two children from the shockwave. Valdel also moved away from the center of the battlefield and was carrying the man he was torturing. On the other hand, some of the knights were blown away while the others were able to create mana shields.

Ren who had received the attack was rather surprised by how strong it was. There was no indication that Kim Chul had used any mana nor any other form of energy, that was entirely pure physical strength. Ren, who had blocked it while using Spirit Aura to strengthen himself was astonished. Even with him strengthening himself, he was still slightly affected by a pure physical skill. This made Ren feel even more excited.

Kim Chul wasn\'t that surprised by how Ren was able to block his attack. Still, he thought that he would be able to push Ren back a bit, yet Ren remained standing without moving an inch. Kim Chul quickly moved onto the next skill.

Blade Dancer first blade, one hundred steps. The next skill was the first of a chain skill. The first blade was a move that creates a hundred slashes within a few seconds. The attack comes from all sides and at a blinding speed, which makes it almost impossible to evade. Not only that after every slash Kim Chul gets a tiny bit faster.

Yet despite the speed, Ren was still able to block all of the slashes. He didn\'t even need to move from his spot. In fact, since he could no longer rely on his eyes, he used his mana sensing to block the entire barrage, he even closed his eyes.

The knights who were watching the fight from the distance were amazed by the sight of how fast the hero was, but more than that they were amazed by how Ren was able to block everything with his eyes closed.

After he was done with the first blade skill, Kim Chul quickly continued the chain skill by activating the Second blade. Kim Chul was now holding two swords in his hands, the Second Blade was a stationary skill were each slash would weaken the opponent\'s defense. The only way to not be affected by this skill is if the opponent evades. Not knowing this Ren continued to block each attack.

This time every time his sword clashed with Kim Chul\'s, Ren noticed that something was weird. It felt like his body was weakening, but not too much that it would be a problem. So Ren was not bothered by the skill and continued to block.

Kim Chul went onto the next skill, the third blade. Kim Chul threw three swords up into the air. The swords started spinning up in the air. Kim Chul then took some distance from Ren and controlled his swords from afar.

The three swords attacked all at the same time from every direction. For every next skill Kim Chul uses, the attacks keep on getting faster and faster. Still, as Kim Chul was controlling the swords while using mana. Ren was able to keep track of the movement of the swords, despite them all moving beyond the speed of sound.

The people who were watching the fight could only hear the sound of sonic booms blasting through the area. Most of the buildings were now destroyed. The flashing swords were whooshing all over the place. Yet Ren remained standing and simply redirecting each strike.

As Ren continued to redirect each blade, one actually got to cut a bit of his cheek. There was some blood coming out of Ren\'s cheek. Ren who continued to block each of the three swords attacks while wielding Snertal with one hand used his free hand to wipe the blood from his cheek. Ren\'s smile then grew even more vicious as he started laughing.

"HAHAHAHAHA! This is awesome, the longer we fight the faster you become! Show me more hero, show me everything you\'ve got!" As Ren was shouting, Kim Chul had activated the fourth sword, the hidden sword. Ren didn\'t even notice the moment Kim Chul had appeared before him.

Kim Chul then thrust his sword towards Ren. That one move was able to blow Ren away into a nearby building. The building that Ren hit had collapsed on him. When the knights saw this they started cheering.

On the other hand, Lara and Valdel were stunned by the sight they saw. Ren was not only injured but he was blown away. After a few seconds as the information finally sunk into their brains, Lara was about to hit Kim Chul with an arrow, but Valdel stopped her.

"Ren won\'t like you to interfere, also by now you should know this is were it truly starts."

Kim Chul breathed a sigh of relief. He was getting a bit desperate there at the end, for most of his attacks were getting negated. If he didn\'t see Ren bleed, he would\'ve thought that Ren was an invincible being. He had unleashed most of his strongest skills while in his strongest form. Yet despite doing the best he can Ren wasn\'t even fazed. So now that he saw that Ren could actually be harmed he felt really relieved.

\'If this guy Ren, actually attacked me instead of testing me out, I might have already used up the last man standing, and the Blade Dancer\'s Will.\'

As everyone on Kim Chul\'s side was feeling relieved, it was at that moment it happened. A pressure like no other fell upon Kim Chul. This was different from the choking feeling he had when he felt Ren\'s bloodlust. This was something else, calling it killing intent or bloodlust would be an understatement.

Kim Chul then saw from the rubble of the building that just collapsed, Ren was standing on top of the rubble. He was holding Snertal pointing downwards, he had so many openings at this very moment, yet despite seeing that Kim Chul did not move. It felt like the moment he moved carelessly would be the moment he dies.

Ren was looking at Kim Chul with an eye of a predator looking at his prey. The smile on Ren\'s face was so vicious at the moment, it made all the other expressions he shown before look tame.

"NOW THIS IS WHAT I WAS WAITING FOR! Kim Chul was it, I will remember that name of yours. BE PROUD, YOU ARE A WORTHY OPPONENT!"

As if it was being infected by its master\'s excitement Snertal roared to match Ren\'s shout. Ren then started to slowly walk towards Kim Chul. It was at this moment, Kim Chul felt something within him telling him to run as far as he could. The moment he thought that Ren suddenly disappeared from his sight.

Ren then reappeared in front of Kim Chul and was about to do a sideward slash. Kim Chul quickly reacted and used the three floating swords to block the attack, he also used the sword in his hand to block. Yet despite four swords blocking its path, Snertal was like a hammer and forcefully crushed those defenses.

Kim Chul\'s swords were weapons created by his skills and were unbreakable. If it was any other sword even legendary ones, they would\'ve been broken by that strike Ren did. Yet all that happened was that they were pushed towards Kim Chul.

The four swords and Kim Chul received Ren\'s attack, which blew them away. That strike had actually drained Kim Chul\'s HP significantly. It was then the skill, the last man standing activated, and Kim Chul had his full HP back.

When Ren saw that he was now truly surprised, but after a while, he couldn\'t help but get even more excited.

"So you have skills that can heal you when you\'re near death. That means we can play a bit more roughly!"

Ren once again disappeared from his spot and appeared in front of Kim Chul. Yet this time Kim Chul was ready. It was suicidal to block Ren\'s attack so instead, Kim Chul evaded. Since Ren was using a larger sword the interval to initiate the next attack took some time despite how fast and strong Ren was.

Kim Chul used those intervals to attack Ren with his floating swords, yet despite attacking at his blind spots Ren continued to easily evade the sword strikes.

The two were now locked in a flow of sword strikes. Kim Chul was fully focused now as one mistake, one hit from Ren would spell his doom. He was sweating profusely as he evaded and attacked. On the other hand, Ren was having the time of his life, as he heartily laughed while evading and attacking.

As the fight continued on, Kim Chul was getting even more desperate as he saw the timer on his skill: Blade Dancer\'s Oath was about to reach the end of its activation time. If he loses that boost in his power, he wouldn\'t stand even a one percent chance of winning. So he needed to end this before that timer hits zero.

\'I have no choice, I need to use the fifth sword. Even though the pain I receive when I used that move is rather frightening, if I don\'t do anything now I will lose.\'

As if able to read his thoughts, Ren took some distance from Kim Chul and spoke.

"I can see it in your eyes, you still have a trump card that you haven\'t used. COME ON THEN! SHOW IT TO ME! I will face your strongest move with my very own! So come let\'s bring this battle to a new height!"

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