The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 363: Who?

Chapter 363: Who?

“Ha!” Fang Yu let out a shout as her whole body jolted. She sprang up while cursing herself mentally.

“That was unforgettable....” Fang Yu muttered as she inspected her cores.

At one look, these cores might still be similar to their post-grinding state. But Fang Yu could feel that after the cores have been grinded, the quality and quantity of the Origin Core Energy coming out of her cores improved greatly!

It was as if the grinding removed a film of impurities at the surface of the cores which allowed their quality to be better!

“Hehehe, at least I got stronger now....” Fang Yu sighed as she realized that she underestimated the difficulty of completing her Grinding Sub-Realm.

“Tsk, this is embarrassing.” Fang Yu muttered to herself as she looked up from within the Mist Room.

“Hey Genie, is that Beleth guy still there? Tell him I am awake now.” Fang Yu said apologetically at Genie, who must have been extremely infuriated by Fang Yu’s overstay.

“Hmph! Beleth is still here. And just like me, he’s also not very happy with what you did.” Genie’s voice reverberated across the Mist Room, which was obviously laced with irritation.

“Well something just came up so I had to stay like that for 6 hours.....” Fang Yu said apologetically as she tried to explain what happened to her.

“Fine fine I get it.” Genie replied with a grumble as she explained something.

“Beleth said that he was fine with the delay you had since you seemed to be in an emergency. He will still fight you like what was agreed on. But...”

“But Beleth wants to add some additional propositions on the deal?” Fang Yu finished what Genie was about to say.

“Yes, that was what Beleth wanted.” Genie sighed, mirroring Fang Yu’s. “So do you agree or not?”

“It’s fine with me.” Fang Yu muttered as she stood up. “Genie, beam me out of the Mist Room. I will talk with Beleth first to hammer out the additional details.”

“Roger.” The Mist Room roiled and seethed, as Fang Yu was expulsed out of the Mist Room.

“Hehehehe....” Fang Yu let out a shaky laugh after she saw the disapproving look on the face of Genie. As for Beleth, his arms were crossed as he just stared at Fang Yu impassively.

“This is awkward...” Fang Yu thought as she realized that she, the one who killed Andromalius and Phenex, was about to talk with their very close ally.

“Do not worry Fang Yu. Beleth said that he was not angry at you for killing Phenex and Andromalius.” Genie said while whispering to Fang Yu. “However, he will still do his best to kill you to honor the death of those two.”

“Oh.....” Fang Yu then straightened her pose as she looked at Beleth. She took a deep breath as she said,

“Go on, say the changes that you want in the deal.”

“It’s actually just simple.” Beleth said as he spread out his hands. “I want another reward other than the Million-Year Old Ginseng if I defeat you. Another soul-healing herb will make do.”

“Hoh, I indeed have another herb like that.” Fang Yu smirked before adding, “But I will only allow the deal change if there’s also an addition to the reward if I am the one who wins. After all, both sides of the deal must be balanced.”

Since Beleth wants more rewards if he wins, then Fang Yu must also get more reward if she wins! That’s just how deals like this work.

“Fine with me.” Beleth said as he tapped the chin of his head armor. “I actually have a good gift that I can give to you, and I am sure that you will really love it.”

“Oh?” This time, Fang Yu’s interest was piqued, as she felt that whatever Beleth was offering right now seems to be good.

Beleth’s stance suddenly looked more confident as he saw Fang Yu’s interest. He patted the sides of his horse as he said,

“Aside from letting you leave this planet, I will also give you tips on how you can go back to your correct timeline!”

“Timeline? What the hell are you talking about?” Fang Yu felt that something was extremely off with what Beleth said. “Me and my companions were just travelling through space! Correct timeline? You must be s**tting me!”

“Wait... you do not know?” Beleth paused as she saw the confusion and indignation upon Fang Yu’s features. “You really do not know?”

“What the hell should I know about!” Fang Yu shouted in complaint. She looked at Genie beside her, who avoided Fang Yu’s pointed stare.

“Hahahaha!” Beleth rolled down on the ground as he let out a hysterical laugh.

“The one who wanted to kill Lord Solomon, does not know her actual situation! Hahahaha! This is so ridiculous! Phenex and Andromalius, I offer my condolences to you two as you two were killed by a clueless enemy! Hahahaha!”

“Explain!” Fang Yu could not take it anymore as she gave Beleth a threatening look. “If you do not give me an explanation, the whole deal will be off!”

“Ok ok...” Beleth took some quick breaths to compose himself. He then stood up as he sat on a chair.

Fang Yu and Genie followed suit, with Fang Yu facing Beleth directly. Beleth drew a vertical line across the table as he said,

“Do you know anything about time travel?”

“Of course I do.” Fang Yu replied smugly. “I have read countless books about that, so I pretty much know everything about it!”

“So do you think going back to the past is possible?” Beleth asked smilingly as his finger that was in the middle of the line slid down towards the bottom end of the line.

“It’s possible with right abilities, but it will be extremely dangerous.” Fang Yu said as she pulled Beleth’s finger from the bottom of the line, bringing it back to the middle of the line.

“There is a high chance of messing everything up in by interacting with the past, so many discourage it.”

Beleth nodded in approval as his finger stayed at the middle of the line.

“So do you think that was the only reason going back to the past if discouraged?” Beleth asked Fang Yu. “If that was the only reason, it won’t be enough to deter some people.”

“Is it because there was something else obstructing time travel to the past?” Fang Yu muttered as she stared at the line drawn on the table.

“You are right!” Beleth said in praised as he let out a cough. His voice turned slightly solemn as he gave an explanation to Fang Yu.

“In our Universe, Time is a River. It starts from the Past, then it passes to the Present and continues onward to the Future. That flowing of time was what makes it difficult to travel to the past.”

Beleth’s finger then slowly inched up the line. “Imagine a flowing river, and you were at the middle of it. For you to proceed, you have to go with the flow of the river. This feels natural and this is your normal progression through the River of Time.”

Beleth’s finger then tried going down the line, but his finger moved so slowly that it seemed to be not moving at all.

“Going to the past means going against the flow of the river. You will require monstrous amounts of energy just to go back by a minute. Going back by days or even years are almost impossible!”

Beleth’s finger then stopped the attempt to move downwards, as if it could not do so.

“And that, is the real reason people could not travel that easily to the past.” Beleth concluded with a smirk.

“But of course, there are still ways for people to go back to the past, but all these ways are extremely expensive or extremely difficult.”

Beleth drew a circle at the table, which looked menacing to Fang Yu.

“One can use a black hole to go to the past, but of course, you have to be sturdy enough to survive that. Or you can just be an ultimate expert in the Law/Dao of Time. Once you reached the peak of the Law/Dao of Time, time travel to the past could be bearable.”

“Yeah that explanation’s awesome, but how is that related to me?” Fang Yu replied with a scowl.

“Let me continue talking first.” Beleth replied rather quickly.

He then stared at Fang Yu as he asked her,

“If going to the past is difficult, how about going to the future?”

“Hmm.....” Fang Yu cupped her chin as she began to think deeply. “Well..... I guess it will be easier, since you are not going against the flow of the River of Time. Instead you are going with the flow, so there will be no difficulty at all.” Fang Yu’s eyes then glowed as she became slightly excited.

“What a person only needs are some skills in time travel, and they could theoretically travel to the future!”

“Excellent!” Beleth clapped his hands as he seemed to be impressed by Fang Yu.

He stood up as he gave Fang Yu an appraising look.

“Now that I have explained to you the basics of time travel, I shall tell you what actually happened to you and your crew.”

The eye sockets on Beleth’s armor glowed red as he said,

“Before he slept, Lord Solomon used every inch of his remaining power, comparable to that of an Eight Stage Practitioner, to use a forbidden spell. This forbidden spell will use the Flow of Time to bring a certain person from the past towards this planet’s present time!”

Beleth’s red eyes stared at Fang Yu, who was petrified by what he said.

“That certain person was you, Fang Yu.”

Fang Yu’s mouth dropped open as she received this bombshell from Beleth.

“So I came from the past?” Fang Yu asked Beleth robotically.

“Yes, and the forbidden spell brought you to the Present Timeline of this planet.” Beleth replied quickly and amicably.

“If the timeline I came from was this planet’s Past, and the timeline right now is the planet’s Present Timeline...” Fang Yu’s words got stuck in her throat as she tried to process what Beleth said. “Then that means...”

“That means that you, Fang Yu, time travelled from your present time towards the future.” Beleth concluded gleefully.


Fang Yu’s mind was full of confusion after hearing what Beleth said.

If Fang Yu was really in the future right now, then how was she still able to do fusion and transposition with Fang Lin, if Fang Lin and the Planet Thrae were at the present timeline, not the future timeline on which Fang Yu was in?

That also does not explain how Fang Lin was able to bring Wang Hao to the Goddess’ Planet earlier, and on how Fang Yu was able to bring Tang Li to the Planet Thrae earlier!

And if the spell was really used on her, how come Fang Yu did not notice the forbidden spell affecting her, and why did the forbidden spell include Andromeda, Tang Li and their spaceship?

All of these questions and many more confusing details were jarring her mind right now!

But the thing which confused Fang Yu the most was the spell used by Solomon.

“Beleth said that Solomon used a forbidden spell to bring a certain person to this planet’s timeline. Well, since he used the power of an Eight Stage Practitioner, bringing someone to the future seems feasible.”

Fang Yu then grabbed her head in frustration as she continued her analysis.

“But even if Solomon can do that, why is it me, out of all the other people out there, that was brought to the future and this planet? Why me?”

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