Strongest Businessman of the Cultivation World

Chapter 34 Breakthrough At Last!

"There are 47 preorders for Cultivation Manuals and 76 for Battle Techniques."

Xin Ruo read the register to Ikasa. She looked at him with concern.

"Will you be able to complete them within a month as you promised?"

"Yes. They will be completed by the promised date for sure."

Her face scrunched with worry upon hearing Ikasa\'s confident answer.

"You don\'t have to push yourself so hard. My father told me how difficult it is to make spiritual imprints. They are rare for a reason after all."

Ikasa rubbed his nose bridge as he thought of how best to handle this situation. He wasn\'t willing to expose his Printer but he didn\'t want Xin Ruo to do something unnecessary out of worry either.

In the end, he decided to play it cool and coax her.

"Haha! Just that? Don\'t worry about it then. The method that I learned is very efficient. I only need to concentrate and rest for a night to recover all my energy."

Xin Ruo still looked suspicious. She didn\'t entirely buy his words.

"Look, I made those 21 Cultivation Technique Manuals we sold today in the last few weeks. Did I ever look tired to you?"

She shook her head, a hint of relief appearing on her face.

Ikasa suddenly thought of his impending breakthrough. How will he explain it to Xin Ruo and others who enquire?

So he decided to weave a tale around his ability to create spiritual imprints and his cultivation method.

He lowered his volume and took a step closer to her.

"Actually, let me tell you my secret. The method to create these manuals is related to my cultivation technique. The more manuals I create, the faster my cultivation will grow."

At this revelation, she became visibly shocked. She looked at him contemplatively.

"I thought you couldn\'t cultivate?"

Ikasa scoffed at her question.

"Everyone can cultivate. So how can I be an exception? It\'s just that my method of training is unique. You have to keep this a secret for me, alright? Don\'t let anyone, not even kids or your father, know."

Then he turned to go to his room. On his way up the stairs, he suddenly remembered Xin Ruo\'s declaration at the end of the arena. He had to inform her of his ability to prevent such mishaps in the future.

"Also, if you receive a large order of 100 manuals or more, accept it."

"But it will take you more than a month to finish it!"

"No, it won\'t. I can also make a hundred-use manual. It is actually more efficient for me to create a hundred-use manual than hundred single-use manuals. And the break to recover my energy is also shorter."

"Then why don\'t you make only the hundred-use manuals? We can ask people to share them!"

"Hahaha! Xin Ruo, you are a genius! This is a great idea but I don\'t think people will be willing to share at this stage. Because we have no backing and might disappear anytime, they don\'t trust us. So, focus on getting a big client for now."

As Ikasa ascended the stairs, he was thinking about Xin Ruo\'s suggestion.

\'This girl even thought of group-buying when such a concept doesn\'t even exist in this city. She is truly a girl way ahead of her times.\'

He entered his room and called Caretaker Han. He issued him strict instructions to not let anyone disturb him, may whatever happen.

Then he secured the door and rubbed his hands in glee.

"After so long, I will break through today!"

He connected to Printer and was pleased to see his 100 CP.

\'Now, how do I cultivate?\'

He thought while searching for an option for a breakthrough in the interface. When he couldn\'t find it, he opened the User Manual to the relevant section.

Step 1: Select the Cultivation Technique you want to use from the list of available techniques.

Ikasa followed the picture and found the dropdown list different from the one that appeared below the Copy or Print buttons.

"I will obviously choose the best technique I have, [Around the Body in 80 Breaths]".

After selecting the technique, the next few steps were fairly intuitive. A plus sign appeared next to the technique and Ikasa clicked it.

Instantly, he was short of 100 CP. He was transported to white space and heard a notification sound. Then a female robotic voice sounded in his mind.

[Initiating Creation of Energy Channels…]

[Initiation Successful]

[Creating Energy Channels…]

A loading bar with percentage written above it appeared below the text.

\'Creating Energy Channels? Is that the reason why I was unable to cultivate?\'

He remembered reading an obscure theory in a tome City Lord\'s manor had sent for copying. According to the Tome, every living being has two bodies; One Spiritual and the other Physical.

Just like a Physical Body has blood vessels spread throughout, Energy channels knit a web throughout the Spiritual body. The feedback from the energy circulating in the channel strengthens the Spirit.

The Spiritual body, in turn, nourishes the Physique. As only a strong Physical Body can support a strong Spirit.

While he was thinking about the theory, the percentage on the loading bar increased. When it reached 15%, he felt a jolt of current pass through his body.

It started at the USB port at his solar plexus and traveled through his heart, lungs, stomach, and then spread to all his limbs. After traveling through each and every tissue and cell of his body, the current subsided in his brain.

"Huhuhu… That feels so comfortable. I need more of this"

Ikasa enjoyed the mild numbing sensation the current brought. The current revitalized him.

Every five percent increase in the loading bar sent electricity traversing across his body. It grew stronger subsequently.

He started to grow uncomfortable when the Loading bar reached 60%. By the time it exceeded 90%, he felt excruciating pain as the current coursed through his body.


As the pain grew unbearable, he buried his face in a pillow to let out his screams of anguish. He kept his screams muffled lest someone barge into the room out of worry.

A while later, the loading bar reached a hundred, and his suffering ended. He panted, taking in large gulps of air. His body had burns all over, and his skin had cracked in several spots.

Then another ding sounded.

[Creation of Energy Channels completed.]

[Clearing Energy Path…]

[Error 010: Insufficient Resources.]

When he noticed the system interface had returned to the usual one. After a bit of exploration, he discovered a new screen in addition to Copy and Print menu screens.

On this screen, he saw four bars.

\'Isn\'t this the symbol for network on a mobile phone?\'

He scrolled down to look for any clues. Below the symbol was a button. Under that button, Ikasa could see some numbers. 1/230.

When he zoomed in on the numbers, a description explaining the numbers popped up.

[This Cultivation technique needs 230 circulation cycles to clear the Complete Energy Path. Each circulation requires 1 CP.]

\'Hmm! So I need 230 CP to break through to the Sense realm. Not bad! It is much less than my estimated number.\'

He wanted to get up and check the strength of his upgraded body. Alas! His body was still numbed from the powerful electric shocks.

Ikasa struggled to move his limbs but to no avail. Then he saw something incredible happening to his body.

He saw the burned skin peel away, revealing new skin underneath. The cracked skin was also mending, leaving behind only the splotches of dark, dried blood.

\'So the paralysis is also numbing my pain and accelerating my healing process!\'

While his body was immobilized, his brain entered the hyperactive mode. His thoughts drifted to various different questions.

\'Why did the symbol look like the Mobile Network Bars?\'

\'Is it connected to the WiFi dongle I have?\'

\'Can I also cultivate the Battle Techniques similarly?\'

Some questions like these were worth pondering over. Then there were other thoughts.

\'Did that electric current enhance my sperm count or completely fry my future babies?\'

\'Did the hardness of my wood also increase?\'

\'Should it be called Lightning-struck wood now?\'

These thoughts deserved to be scrapped.

These kinds of random thoughts kept buzzing through his brain. Embarrassed by his own thoughts, he made a swatting motion to shoo them away.

"Oh?" Surprised, he paused mid-action. He looked at his hand and tried to sit up.

"Yes! I can move again!"

He immediately opened the drawer on his bedside dressing table. Taking out the woolen sock inside the drawer, he grinned deviously.

\'Let\'s test out my theory!\'

He took out the WiFi dongle hidden in the sock and inserted it into his USB port. This time the dongle had a response.

[Initializing. . .]

[Insufficient Energy Source]

[Readjusting parameters to Path Forging Realm]

[Range limited to 1 meter]

[Connectivity limited to 1 device]

He became speechless after seeing the ridiculous amount of coverage area. Even the connecting cable of the Printer could extend to 2.5 meters! Is this the dongle\'s way of saying, \'You are too weak to even use me, bro!\'

[Do you want to search for devices nearby?]


Ikasa had an incredulous expression as a circle of energy formed around him. It shrank and expanded over and over again. He walked closer to the Printer so that it was within the range of the energy circle.

As soon as he was within the range, he heard a beep.

[Device detected…]

[Do you want to connect to the Cloud Printer?]

Once again, he replied with a \'Yes.\' The LED flashing on the WiFi dongle turned green. It shot a ray of light to the Energy Efficiency Stars on the Printer. They also flashed green for a moment and reverted to the Golden color.

[Device registered successfully.]

[You have gained remote access to Cloud Printer.]

A new interface appeared before Ikasa. In the list of connected devices, he saw Cloud Printer. There was a green circle next to it.

He chose the Cloud Printer, and Voila! The Printer\'s interface opened before him!

Since he was from Earth, this technology was nothing new to him. And hence, it was easier to accept for him.

"But if a native of this world were to see this… kukuku"

Ikasa imagined Feng Yan\'s reaction to this technology.

"I bet that guy would freak out and try to break open this Printer!"

He moved back, to sit on the bed. When he re-tried to open the interface, he couldn\'t open it. The green circle near the Printer had also turned grey. He tried to select the Printer.

[Device not in range. Device disconnected.]

He looked speechlessly at the Printer right before his eyes. The distance between him and the Printer had indeed exceeded one meter.

"Damn it! Even after Breakthrough, I am still useless!"

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