Strongest Businessman of the Cultivation World

Chapter 83 Sense Realm!

"How many people have signed up until today?"

Ikasa asked Feng Yan, taking a bite of his breakfast for the day, Potato pancake.

Feng Yan chugged down his glass of juice and let out a burp before answering.

"30 joined the day before. Then yesterday, 26 new people applied. So a total of 56."

"Including the 50 you had trained, does that mean my 100 men strong private force is now ready?"

Ikasa asked, his eyes shining with delight.

Feng Yan laughed and shook his head.

"Not yet. I still want to check the new recruits. It would not do us any good if your valuable manuals fall in the hands of our enemies."

The foresight of the old man pleased Ikasa. He was reassured by the fact that this man was going to lead his forces and provide his business security.

The two returned to eating in silence.

After finishing their meals, Feng Yan left to take care of his new troops while Ikasa returned to his room to use the Printer.

Today, the regular print button would be upgraded to the Golden Print button after 7 days of accumulation.

Ikasa connected to the Printer, rubbing his hands in anticipation.

\'Please a top grade manual…  A Top Grade Sense realm manual!\'

He prayed as he waited for the system interface to load.

As soon as the interface opened on the Cultivation Screen, he received a message that baffled him.

[Congratulations on advancing to Sense Realm!]

"I… did? When? How?"

The interface answered none of his questions. He received another notification.

[Please print the technique chosen for you.]

Ikasa toggled the screens and went to the Print button. Instead of shining in gold, it was translucent silver.

"Is this a Diamond Button?"

He wondered as he clicked on the anomalous button. He did not see any of the familiar scenes when a manual is randomly selected. No millions of words flashing before his eyes and no flashy scenes.

[Cultivation manual, \'Tame your Horses\' is ready to print.]

"Tame your Horses? What the heck?"

Ikasa picked up the book that had just formed.

On the front cover, he saw a picture of a chariot. Instead of wheels, this chariot had legs. Five Horses pulled the chariot. Each of the horses represented Eyes, Ears, Tongue, Nose and Skin.

And the coachman of this chariot was a translucent white figure!

The more Ikasa looked at it, the more he thought it was a representation of the Spiritual Body.

He opened the book and spent an entire hour reading through it. Once he was done he closed the book with bliss of enlightenment.

\'The spiritual sense should hold the reins to other physical senses. Only then can all the senses coordinate and work together in harmony.\'

"Such profundity is hidden in such a ridiculous picture!"

Ikasa exclaimed, trying to make sense of the sheer absurdity of the cover art.

"Nope! It is still hideous and needs to be covered up if I ever want to sell this manual!"

He flipped the book and turned his attention to the Cultivation Screen.

In the column for technique cultivated, Tame your Horses was added. But he noticed a peculiarity next to it.

"What! This is a Top Grade Cultivation Manual?!"

Ikasa double checked the description of the manual in the interface and it definitely said Top-Grade.

"Damn! Where did I learn a technique that shares similar theories as that of a Top Grade Manual?"

Ikasa scratched his brain trying to find a plausible answer. But he could only remember practicing a few times according to what Feng Yan taught.

\'No! HELL NO! It can\'t be him…\'

He refused to believe that the Old man had stumbled upon a Top Grade technique on his own!

He racked his brains to think of alternate possibilities but he could not think of any. At this time, his brain suggested to him a quote from his favorite detective.

\'When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.\'

Resigned, Ikasa could only accept this fact.

"Argh! I already feel like punching his smug face when he comes to know that he has discovered a Top Grade Technique on his own!"

Ikasa gritted his teeth, looking at the book lying innocently on the table.

As much as he dreaded having to suffer from the Old Man\'s gloating in the near future, Ikasa was actually happy for him.

To be able to come up with a Top Grade technique on his own just by using the theories he read? He had to admit the talent and incredible luck of Feng Yan.

"Sigh. This Old Man ruined my joy of breakthrough to Sense Realm! And he is not even present!"

Ikasa shook his head and turned to look at his Cultivation Panel. In the place of the symbol for Mobile Network, a Pentagon had appeared.

He observed the changes carefully.

There were five points, each on one of the corners of the Pentagon. Near every point, he saw (0/50).

At the center, there was another grayed out point. Here, the points required doubled with a (0/100).

"Does this mean I need 350 points for my next breakthrough?"

Ikasa wondered after calculating the total points on the Pentagon.

He tried clicking one of the points on the Pentagon. A notification popped up before him.

[Use 2 CP to enhance Vision?]

"So each of these five points represents a Sense!"

Exclaiming in realization, Ikasa answered yes.

He immediately regretted his decision.

He began experiencing an excruciating headache. His vision blacked out and his eyes burned.

After a few minutes, he passed out from exhaustion.

While Ikasa lay unconscious in his room, a figure in black arrived near the entrance to the Monstrous Flame Sect. With a loud cuckoo\'s call, it called its contact inside the sect.

In the silence of the forest, the call stood out. It drew the attention of most of the patrolling disciples.

"Senior Brother, let me investigate."

The newly recruited Zheng Fan appealed to the Disciple in Charge of patrols. Receiving the permission, he righteously left through the front gates and arrived near the figure.

"Sister, why are you here? We may get caught if you are not careful!"

After surreptitiously checking the surroundings, Zheng Fan admonished the figure in black.

"Listen, I don\'t have much time. Do you have any news?"

Zheng Fan stopped looking around and whispered, "I heard that the Sect Leader has received a guest from some big sect in the Tier 1 city."

"Sister, Monstrous Flame Sect is much more powerful than you imagined. They have many High-grade manuals for disciples to redeem. I am urging you, join it before it is too late."

The figure in black was not tempted. Seeing this, Zheng Fan changed his approach.

"They are saying the Monstrous Flame Sect will soon take over Birch City and those who are opposed will all be crushed."

After informing her of the impending threat, he appealed to her.

"Sister, I am thinking of surrendering to the Sect. You should join too. I can put in a good word for you and the rest of our brothers."

Yin Ying was still unmoved. She looked at Zheng Fan with limpid eyes.

"Are you really doing this because you are afraid? Or are you tempted?"

She asked in an even voice.

Zheng Fan, agitated by her accusation, revealed his true heart.

"Why should I follow your lead and serve that rich silky pants? I have a chance to start anew in this sect. For the sake of our old friendship, I am offering you the same chance."

Yin Ying did not reveal her emotions but she empathized with his need for freedom.

She understood the amount of liberty Ikasa offered was much more than any other force. But these people who had to infiltrate other forces might not understand.

However, he was one person. He might not know what fate awaited her and his other brothers when Sect comes to know their identity as slaves.

She looked into his eyes and realized persuasion was a fool\'s endeavor. So she decided to string him along.

"Zheng Fan, I am interested in your proposal. But give me some time. Let me gather our other brothers. If you disclose Ikasa\'s knowledge, all of us might be in danger."

Zheng Fan smiled, pleased with the answer.

"Sister, I can only urge you to hurry up. Once the Elder from Tier 1 Sect arrives, it will be war. No matter what I say, it will be impossible to change sides then."

Yin Ying stood still as she processed his words.

\'If even a lowly new disciple had access to this information, Monstrous Flame Sect is planning to go big this time. I must get this information to Ikasa as soon as possible.\'

"Why are you so certain it will result in war?" She probed, gauging Zheng Fan\'s reaction.

Zheng Fan identified Yin Ying\'s blatant attempt at fishing for info right away. But he didn\'t care.

He knew she could be subtle if she wanted but she was being obvious. It meant she was taken in by his news.

He slowly replied, looking into her eyes.

"Because this time they want to invoke the pact!"

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